
By gs_mick

Cheese & Wine

I love wine & cheese. And chocolate.

Sadly I have been unable to drink red wine since coming down with CFS. Which is very sad as I adore it, but now it does very weird things to my head. Weirdly I can drink a small amount of some white wines but that's unusual. And we're talking half a glass with food if that. Anything with hops, like beers or lagers are even worse. But red wine I really miss.

Thankfully cheese & chocolate is still fine except I have to limit these intakes. Due to the sedentary lifestyle of CFS I've put on more weight that I dare confess too which makes me very sad. I used to be a skinny-bean who loved playing sports.

At least I save calories from lack of alcohol though!

Anyway back to cheese. A friend introduced me to a beautiful deli in nearby Godalming which was heaven - fine cheese, fine wines and fine coffees. There are some things that even when you live on very little money that are worth the occasional treat.

This visit was actually for a secret, invite-only event we're putting on, involving cheese & wine. It could be the first step in a potentially life-changing venture. Even if it isn't I found a great new cheese shop.

Thankful for:
- blessing of accessible food where others have lack
- friends who share similar passions (ahem cheese & wine)
- God ideas and crazy dreams

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