Lunch, Interrupted

It's amazing how many other things I can find to do when I should be doing three loads of laundry for our upcoming trip and making interesting (?) meals from random bits and bobs in the fridge!

Take today's blip, for instance. This orb spider's web, woven between a tall beech tree and some dried poppy stems just past the garage, caught the light perfectly as I was gathering up my shopping bags from the trunk (UK boot) of the car. I piled the bags on the kitchen table and told Phil I'd be back in a few minutes to make lunch, as I thought I'd seen a quick blip opportunity.

Little did I know that I'd make three separate visits to this handsome spider's web over the course of the afternoon to get today's blip! I think I captured her rapid retreat from what would have been her lunch on my second visit, before she decided to do nothing but sulk in her special hiding place, but I can't remember at this point, having deleted nearly 80 images of the same spider.

If only I could be as fixated on my to-do list...

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