The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Politics free zone?

I don't think so.

What an appalling turn of events. Slowly, slowly beginning to believe that there could just possibly be a change of party at the helm. Thinking that the result was better than I could have imagined .. then trying to comprehend whatever this bizarre and dangerous-feeling coalition will come up with.

I am pretty politically ignorant - I am influenced by cleverer, more analytical and informed friends who I respect and trust. Many of them are managing to take a hopeful and positive attitude towards the way things are unfolding, so I'll try to stop feeling depressed and hope that things develop favourably.

Here's Feisty who came for sausages. For a few hours there it seemed that our foxes might be safe from a repeal of the hunting ban. Maybe they still will be - surely TM has other things to concentrate on before being ousted by her party.

Please excuse the ill-informed and rather angry ramblings. I need to vent somewhere - it may as well be here.

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