Exhausting day. Not enough sleep thanks to Someone* tempting me to go and look at the exit poll when I was just about to go to sleep. Obviously I then had to 'sleep' with radio 5 on, being woken by every constituency victory cheer. I gave up just after 5 and got up to watch dawn arrive in a world where Brexit is still happening, Labour didn't win and nothing much will change.
I hope I'm wrong, but I can't find a lot to be excited about here.
TallGirl, however, was very upset with how few MPs the Green Party got despite their half million (I read that somewhere) votes. She thinks some of the Brighton voters should move - it's a waste having them all in one place - and all the Green voters should be allocated a constituency to live in so there can be a bunch of mini-Brightons all over Britain. Sounds good to me.
Once the day kicked off, lots of tidying and sorting, too much garden work (my shoulder is no longer speaking to me) and lazy pizza dinner. Happily Mr B decided to get a hire car this week - his flight is delayed nearly 2 hours, don't fancy waiting that long at the airport.
CarbBoy has had another allergy spike - yesterday was awful but having him rattling with all the antihistamines I could find seems to have done the trick today.
*It was Meancoast. Obvs.
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