Hello Again!

Had to go to the old house to check the mailbox.  While we've pretty much informed most of our contacts of our new address, it's inevitable that there'll be some that we forgot or didn't think important enough to include in List 1.  On the way back, passed by the horse farm, and there they were, munching away.  We'd had some rain in the morning, but right after lunch it was sunny enough.

Nothing much else to blog about except that we're still at it at the new place, but it's feeling more and more like home now that more and more of the stuff is getting identified, put in place, and dusted, while other stuff is being mentally labelled and set aside for later.  We no longer have an attic, which might appear to be a disadvantage, but I'm actually glad we no longer have one because we're no longer tempted to dump things in it that could just as easily have been chucked into the bin.

Dizzy again this morning, but only slightly so.  It is the second day of Pentecost, so a free day from work.  Can you imagine the students are getting a little bored with all these long weekends?  For us, on the other hand, the timing could not have been better.

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