
Following the election results, I went hunting in my "treasures" box for a badge I have had since the 70s - a red one saying "I didn't vote Tory" - I had it on my duffle coat, with my "Coal not Dole" one - sadly lost now. 

In amongst the bits and pieces I found Papa's, my paternal grandfather's, vesta, match box.  I took several photos of it to try and get rid of the glare.  Amongst them was this one, but I have no idea how or why it happened!  Never seen the like!  What I was trying to take was the one in extras!

H is now back mucking out stables, just over a week after her hip replacement - you just can't tell these old folk to behave!  However, she is not able to ride so A-J and I went over to exercise the ponies for her.  We each rode the six of them, bareback so we didn't have to keep saddling and unsaddling, altering stirrups etc, and rode inside because of the weather.  A-J is 22, I am not.  One of us is going to be stiff tomorrow!

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