No, NOT "cook a Melon."
It's "Cucamelon".
First called to my attention by James Wong, (He of the exotic fruit/veg.) on some gardening prog. or other.
On our trip down country on a mix of Jerra's business and our pleasure, I spotted some for sale and thought I'd give "them" a try. The fruits that is, I only got one plant; although, had I read the following, it might have been 2, ... 1 in & 1 out just out of curiosity.
"They will grow in the UK. ......
They are easy to grow outdoors in the UK.
Although Some people like to grow them in a greenhouse."
I did find a wee bit of a puzzler lower down the page though...
"They don’t like being planted in damp, wet conditions."
set curiously close to this...
"Like the cucumber, they need plenty of water."
Oh BTW, those two "weeds" aren't. They're my latest influx of Stevia since they were quite successful in 2015 & I didn't see any last year.
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