Blue Mountains Icons 17

Well of course I have brought you here to Echo Point to look at the Three Sisters before, but I didn't do it at night of course. The tourist people have these long throw arc lights which they turn on at night to blast half way across the Jamison.

I have seen lots of commercial images of this location at this time of day. All of them (including this one) seem slightly out of focus and artificial. I shot some frames with AF and some manually but this was as good as any - almost (but not quite) at infinity. It was actually one of the auto focus frames. I think the real issue is something to do with the texture of the rock which looks muzzy under the arcs, somehow. That's just a guess.

Incidentally, avoiding post processing does not (for me at least) constitute some silly test of manhood or photographic worthiness. I will ordinarily do whatever I need to do, in order to return an image to my original vision. Nonetheless, apart from some light RAW sharpening, this particular image happens to be exactly what came from the camera even if it DOES look like I must have dropped in an artificial background layer.

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