Hopeful ...
...that these blooms will wait to open when the weather is better so we can see them at their best.
I left a retrieved red Peony, that had been damaged by the weather, in a glassbefore I went away and all the petals had dropped when I got back ( how come men don't notice these things?)
Wet and miserable most of the day. At first I thought cool and refreshing but it doubt take long to get tired of it. The washer has been going and so has the tumble drier.
It eased a bit this morning and I took a picture of the new planting in the centre of the village when I was visiting the post office for a blip. I then realised they were on the SD card I was taking in to the camera shop in Keighley. The little man has kept it and is going to see if he can retrieve my deleted photos taken on my trip to Porto last weekend. Fingers crossed!
So it was another quick scan around the garden before the rain got too heavy and chose this pink Peony bud.
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