As long as I know how to love

Of all the things we have planted and all the plants I am anticipating, the leeks are letting me down.

They are smaller than the spring onions, smaller than the chives (are they actually the same thing)

After listening to His Master's Voice for the last few weeks I took advantage of (a) football (b) Budweiser and (c) a perfected petted lip and suggested I replant them.

He was glad to see the back of me while he concentrated on the match - (on a side note; see how things are progressing, general election - we all win. Hung parliament.... football. Equal scores... the world wants us to get along ... someone tell ISIS)

Any ways I repotted the leeks in deep, rich soil whilst playing them 'so macho' by sinita. They totally enjoyed it and are already 2cm taller.

I decided it was unfair to play music only to the leeks so right now my lettuce leaves, salad leaves and some of the 4,500,000 carrots are listening to the Best of Pride.

Very uplifting and everything in the garden is coming up roses in the style of a magnificent Lisa Minelli style singer

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