On Monday the TT refused to start at work - flat battery. Persuaded C to drive from her office to jump start it. Then, after football, it refused again. Dave obliged this time. Got home, stopped the car, tried to start it again - nothing. Thought for a bit. The alternator was clearly working OK. It was almost as if the battery wasn't there. Had a look and, sure enough, loose terminal. What clown fitted that?
Long game of football on Tuesday evening. This could become a regular thing.
Today, busy clearing the decks before a few days off in Paris. Then out in the evening to see Simply Floyd as part of the town's music festival. They were recommended and they were really good! And the Cornish pale ale was an excellent accompaniment...
- 5
- 0
- Apple iPhone 5s
- 1/17
- f/2.2
- 4mm
- 400
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