Constant Exposure

By constant

Where's the Grip?

So this is the first time I've used snow chains (eh, make that cables actually.). I have to say I'm totally underwhelmed. I don't see how these things help. In fact, they seem to be a net negative. I mean it's basically a cable with metal rings on it. There's nothing to grip with as the rings rotate freely. I guess on hard compact snow they might help but I'm not convinced. Bah, humbug!

Been obsessing over getting a second hand Canon 5D. Can't really justify the purchase. The image quality of the 40D is meant to be equivalent to the 5D. Still, I'm totally in awe of the camera. I might try buying a good prime lens for the 40D first and see if I can get the results I'm after. The 40D is great but a lot of the 5D images just seem to pop out of the screen. This is a tough hobby to be in to. Bah, humbug!

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