This Photograph Is Proof.

By romanceisdead


50 Blips today!

I rememebr the time when I couldn't wait to get to 10 lol

It's 33 here in Christchurch NZ which believe me is HOT.

Worked 8-4 today, which for me is annoying and I was tired as it's a whole weeks normal work in one day.

"Can i have my frozens wrapped"
"Sorry we ran out of newspaper yesterday"
"What?! and you call this a supermarket and I can't even get my frozen's wrapped"
"I'm sorry, would you like to buy a chiller bag? They're $2.99 and rather big"

It goes on, from wrapped frozens to the things in the mailer that we've run out of to smashed wine bottles and Mum's leaving their kids in the car and other customers telling us to do something about it, which in fact we can't do.


Same shift tomorrow, and I hope it isn't hot again.

I hate boys.

Here. End of rant.

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