My Favorite Teacher

Dear Diary,

If you are lucky you will have one teacher who sees something in you worth nurturing; who inspires you.  Mr McGrail was my English teach for three years.  I first entered his class in Sophomore year and was delighted when I had his class my Junior year.  When Senior year came, however, I was not put in his class.  So, for the first time in my life, I marched down to my guidance counselor's office and demanded (yes, me, demanding!)  to be put into Mr McGrail's class!  I must have been very persuasive because I finished off my high school career learning literature and writing from this wonderful man.

Later, when I became a teacher myself, I knew what sort of teacher I would be.  A teacher that looks for what is special in each student and helps them bring it out.  A teacher who takes the time to listen, not judge.  Mr Grail didn't try to be our "friend", a mistake many teachers make, but our mentor and that was so much more important for our young minds.

I remember that he recommended, when we were Juniors, that we read Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger even though it was "banned" in our conservative school.  He said it was an important book and one that will help us think about things in different ways, to think for ourselves.  He also said that the best literature does that, expands your mind.  I never forgot that.  Maybe that book gave me the courage to march into the guidance office the following year!

Mr McGrail recommended me for a special writing program for high school students at a local college and I went every Saturday during my Junior year.  It was the high point of my high school career I think.  I still love writing and I write every day.  I didn't have the "great American novel" in me but he awakened a love of learning and reading that has lasted me all my life.  He also made me see the importance of speaking out for what I believe in even if it is not the "popular" thing to do.  That was his greatest gift to me I think.

ps.  I added an extra photograph of the three pieces of fabric I made yesterday at the workshop at the Shaker Village.  I will return in September to learn how to accent the printing with embroidery.  More fun in store!

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