Vivid Fun

Jen joined us (minus the hounds) for a grrreat night on the Vivid scene.
There was a lot of images shot (she won that one) and a lot of laughs AND a grreat story…You see the thingie in her hair  (extra) well when she walked up to a seller lady and asked the price it was $15.00 and Then The Boss said it was for a dog and the lady asked her for $10.00. Discrimination of the best sort……
 We had a wonderful night (except when the security bloke said NO you can’t)
but we got free drinks when the bar forgot our order.
The extras tonight include The lovely Vivid lady (before it gets tried on Poppy) and a reminder of home from The Bossess where the tree in the lake simply isnt.
 AND it didn't rain so I was uncovered the whole time….Simply VIVID it was.


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