Devastating weekend

I have never experienced such fear as on Saturday afternoon when our electricity went out, and I looked out of the upstairs window to see a wall of fire approaching at a terrifying speed.
We have been experiencing fires the past few days... on Saturday there was lots of smoke but the fire was away from our village. A sudden switch in the gale force wind and it turned towards us.Fortunately there were fire engines close by, and they saved the houses behind ours.
Thankfully I saw two small fires, started by embers, in the hedge right next to our house and was able to douse them before they spread.
I didn't get any dramatic photos as my cameras were in the car, together with our two dogs and cat plus our important documents.We were ready to evacuate but fortunately didn't have to.
Everywhere is covered in ash, and smells of smoke, but we are thankful to be safe, and spare our thoughts to the people who have lost loved ones in the fires further down the coast.
If only it would rain....

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