A present

for James. Mum had a bit of a moan about the fact that she had not bought any presents for people back 'home'. The fact that I have taken her to 2 markets, 2 shopping malls, Benidorm, chineese warehouses, and umpteen visits to Carrefour and the only thing she has bought is a purse for her next door neighbour, and that only cost 7 euros. I asked the question, 'what is it you are looking for' reply 'don't know', so I suggested Corte Inglaise, too expensive. So tonight I took her to the night market in Guardamar, I bought this shirt for James, what did she buy- nothing, nada, zilch.

She has just said that there was a wooden fruit bowl on the market we went to last Sunday, I told her that I would not be going to the market tomorrow just to buy a fruit bowl on the off chance she will give it to someone as a present. Tmorrow I am cleaning the house, doing her packing and mine and printing off boarding passes ready for the return home on Monday.

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