Zwack, the drowning man

"Das ist ein unikum!" the Austro-Hungarian Emperor Joseph II is said to have exclaimed upon tasting the now-famous liqueur, and naming it in the process. The linguist(s) amongst you would have translated the phrase already, but for everyone else Joseph said "That is unique!" If you have ever tasted Unicum 'unique' is probably the safest way to describe it, especially in Hungary where it has become the national 'shot.' Let's just say that Doctor Zwack, Unicum's creator, intended for it to be medicinal and that certainly reflects in the taste!

If you ever visit Hungary, and Budapest in particular, you're likely to see this chappy staring down at you from the bar.

My better half has come to stay with me for a few days, while walking around some of the less trodden side streets of Budapest I came across this in a junk shop, it was closed but I'll return and see how much they want for him, I think he's pretty cool.

It's the Nemzeti Vagta (National Gallop) this weekend in Budapest, I was sure my Blip today would come from there, but thats before I'd bumped into Zwack :-)

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