Imps 3 Hyde 2

My beloved Lincoln City managed a second win of the season today courtesy of 2 penalties from Colin 'Pop' Larkin and a late winner from the man pictured on the floor here Vidane Oliver.

Colin Larkin doesn't actually have the Pop nickname. Yet.

I think this picture works best as a caption competition....... I think the keeper is asking the referee where the back of the queue for this service is!

In other news it's been a really tough day for me today (isn't it always). It seems that I'm not yet free of the spectre that caused me so much strain and upset last March. I'm not allowed to say anything more than that, but if (like someone I love very much said earlier) what goes around does come around then there is a massive shitstorm brewing for one individual. Somewhere. It isn't brewing here because I'm better than retaliation etc etc.

I am the bigger man.


I appreciate that 99% of you won't really understand that. No worries, it's not too important. It's kinda like thinking you've cleared up all the neighbours dog dirt of your lawn, only to find another pile eighteen months later.


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