
I fell this morning. With Marius in my arms. It was bloody awful.

As I fell, I realised I wasn't going to be able to right myself, so I threw Marius onto the bed. I hit the deck, looked round, and he'd fallen off the bed anyway. Face first. So terrible! I lifted him up and he was perfect - not a mark on him.

Luckily my phone was beside me as I thought I was going to pass out (can you pass out when you're already on the floor?!). I called my dad (Pierre was away for a work thing) and he came within two seconds. He brought me water and a piece of cake to up my sugar levels, and then he also walked around with Marius - who was absolutely fine! He had cried immediately after he fell which is apparently a good sign.

My ankle was up like a balloon so when Pierre got back from Pierrelatte, he took M and I to the hospital in Vaison. They x-rayed me and confirmed that I have just sprained it. I have a prescription for crutches and a support thing for it.

What a fright it was. Poor, poor Marius falling like that. I tried my best to save him...and apparently I did the right thing as I could've hurt him a lot more if I'd kept him in my arms. But still....

I'm sure he'll have plenty of falls throughout his life...and each one will be just as hard for me to see I'm sure!

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