Fields of Barley (soon to be) Fields of Gold

Up & out to take C to crafting then I made my way over to see mum..I was early so I drove the cross country route... it was good to see familiar places again...places where we would walk when we were children..looking across wildflower meadows and towards the woods where we would collect Bluebells Primroses & even cut Runner bean & pea sticks, we used to listen & watch birds and squirrels & walk through the leaves in late Autumn ...most of it was much the same except for the landfill site & the new incinerator :-( that have replaced a once thriving & successful brick making industry that was London Brick works at Calvert. My father, my maternal grandfather & maternal great grandfather all worked there at one time or another - incredible to think that it has all gone in my lifetime & that there are houses where the kilns once were & there is London rubbish where the clay pits were.

Mum was well, the tea was good as always and she had prepared me a dish of fruit to have for lunch which was great. I tried to give her more tuition on the use of her iPad but I'm fairly sure I have wasted our time ...she often says Yes when she means No !

A super warm almost muggy day with clod & sunshine.

I have put some extras on to remind me when I look back at these shots & a link to Fields of Gold by Sting:

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