
... is what Katie's ballet teacher titled this when she shared it on their social media.

Busy day for my munchkin. Piano practice before school and a walk in the sunshine in a bid to blow away a few pre-school grumps. She's had a great day at school as they have an artist in for the next few days helping them create installations in their classroom as part of their project that included the beach trip. I pick her up early on Tuesday and when I got there she was out with her group in her clay-covered old clothes! It was a good job I'd taken the car to pick her up- we normally walk- as it took them nearly 15 minutes to retrieve the waiting katie from class.

I dropped her ballet after nipping home to change. When I got back, she was full of it. Her first class is the grade above her proper grade and her line had been asked to demonstrate an exercise. She was really chuffed as all the girls watching had picked katie out as doing it well. In their grade 2 class afterwards, she'd been pleased as her teacher had chosen the dance she and two friends had made up as the wee winner. To top it all off, katie and a friend of hers were asked to have their photo taken. She came out bouncing!

Even though we don't get home til 730ish, she had a quick supper and has then got on with about 45minutes clarinet practice. She's meeting her "substitute" teacher, the one B has chosen to keep an eye on Katie over the 6 weeks she's away. So katie has worked hard to prepare a good set of work to show her. 8.45 and she's finally snuggled in bed, reading the Faraway Tree. A good day in Katie world

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