Lala's Journal

By Lala

June photo a day challenge -13 shadow

Today we proved that coach drivers can be sillier than teachers! School coming from Bromley by Bow in London, 60 children aged 7-8 boarded a hired double decker bus at 9:30. Driver followed his sat nav ( we assume because he was either very strange or didn't speak English) to the Blackwell Tunnel. Bus didn't fit into tunnel so he turned round and went another route. This meant the children were on the coach for two and a half hours. He then ignored all brown signs and followed his sat nav to the 'back door' which doesn't have room for a double decker bus and so had to perform a 303 point turn. By the time the children arrived at the Education Centre, there was just time for their sessions (thank goodness room 2 was free), lunch a quick play before getting back on the bus. Half an hour later we heard that the driver had driven the bus the wrong way, gone through the estate (no vehicles allowed here) and ended up back at the back door, and had to execute a dodgy manoeuvre once again.

My poor staff spent half the morning just waiting at the entrance, so at one point I called them in for coffee and here is my one photo of a silly day! The tree at least is showing a shadow!

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