If you can't beat them...

By Jerra


Time to head back down to Cumbria.  We were up early to say goodbye to Katkatkat as she left for work.  Then we loaded the car but instead of taking our usual route down through Biggar we headed for Livingstone.  Clickychick had arranged a very mini blip meet.

We arrived at the garden centre on time and surprise surprise managed to recognise one another.  We had met Kaybee before but still weren't to confident.  So CC, myself, Kaybee and S his wife had a pleasant time over coffee.  Amazing how blippers can meet from various parts of the country and have plenty to talk about.

After the blip meet split up CC an I wandered round filling in time until lunch as we decided to eat at the garden centre.   The result is, obviously yet another flower shot.  This time it was the patterns created in this hydrangea flower which caught my eye.

The journey from there was difficult owing to the M74 being closed.  We sat in stationary traffic for over an hour before managing to reach a slip road and escape.  The trip from there down the old road was wonderful, good road with very little traffic.  What a relief after the traffic jam.

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