The view

From the window of the home where we took our mother today. I've told her it's for a week but that's uncertain until we know how Dad responds to treatment in hospital. It took all day to get him there and at 5pm he was still waiting to be seen. The nurses thought he was a day case, to return daily. Just this once was almost too much for him. He had a bit of a bad turn just getting from his bungalow to the vehicle. He has COPD Farmers lung, and his right lung has a severe infection, he is fighting for breath on exertion so if walking does this, just what has he coped with lifting his wife 20 times a day, he sees to her every need, at 85 he is still the strongest man ive ever known, but he's exhausted, his body has filled up with fluid and he's still suffering from a terrible episode of shingles in his eye. I love my Dad he's my hero. Anyway, it's all sorted for today. I left my mother about 8pm she was pretty good actually. Not very keen for me to leave her but she did well. One day at a time.

Thankyou for lovely comments on yesterday's blip.

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