Space Shuttle Discovery

We took my mom to the 'annex' of D.C.'s Air & Space museum, where life-sized crafts are housed, including this one, the space shuttle Discovery which my mom is admiring in the picture, and the Concorde, which I had the pleasure of flying before it was retired.  I featured the journey of the Discovery to its resting place as the cover pic of our latest blip community challenge :)

Speaking of which, the visit gave me the inspiration to pull together the results of that challenge (tb published tomorrow) on a day when it was too hot to do anything outside. 

This is the first time in a long while that my mom has visited us at this time of the year and she's a bit overwhelmed by the temps and humidity that are characteristic of our area (you've got to experience it before you can understand just how oppressive that combination is...). Relief is on its way though for the rest of the week! yeah :)

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