Quick shot of Kade burning of some after school energy on his trampolie IN JUST HIS UNIFORM - NO COAT! Just took this shot as it was too cold to stand about... left him to it haha

Was our first day back at school today, which meant my first day at work but after a visit to the doctor this morning, I was signed off work for another week.

Now I can honestly say I hate my job, but I need to be there. I'm terrified of lossing this job as I've been off so much.

Doctor said to stop the medication for a week and when I get a vertigo attrack I have to do the eye excercises (LOOK UP, LOOK DOWN - REPEAT 10 TIMES... LOOK LEFT, LOOK RIGHT - REPEAT 10 TIMES). Repeat this all 2 more times grrrrr... THEY KNOCK ME SICK!

Now that would be fine in the house but as I get most of the attacks on the bus or walking to or from buses, there's no way I can do them outside!

1. Because they knock me sick and...

2. Because I'd look a right MUPPET!

Waiting on the people who viewed my house last night getting back to me to let me know if they want to go ahead or not. I really like thier house, so fingers crossed.

Meeting my Sister and her partner tomorrow for lunch in town, so looking forward to that...

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