
By jellycat72


A morning spent playing with the babies and hanging out with B, who is almost 3.  Chat, Duplo, drool......

Mid morning, we all piled into the car, and drove over to Balmaha, in Stirlingshire, by Loch Lomond.  We met up with my cousin and his husband for lunch, and then afterwards, once the rain had stopped, we went for a walk along to where the boat to Luss picks folk up.  
A beautiful place.  B loved running around and watching the ducks and swans, while the grown ups enjoyed the sun in a post lunch slump.  

We said our goodbyes, then headed back to the holiday home - where it was time to feed the girls, have a photo shoot with the kids and then all sit down for dinner.  

I read B his bedtime stories, and then we watched crap, drank wine and ate chocolate.  

A great day with my family. 

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