Shimmering Steel...

When the weather is fine then you know it's a sign
For messing about on the river.
If you take my advice there's nothing so nice
As messing about on the river.

(Tony Hatch 30/06/1939 - )

Lots of boats on the river today.  This one was called Shimmering Steel!
see tiny goslings and other pictures in flickr.

Busy old day, spent a lot of time on my feet doing various jobs...home to a lovely shower and just about to cook some dinner after eating 'healthy snacks' all day at work (we had a promotion) ....  Hot dogs, potatoes, boiled eggs and a salad I think!

In other news what awful news this morning :(  Praying for the survivors and the familieis of the dead...  its just unbelievable :(

Do you have an escape plan?  If not, make one....

That's 'hump' day over...

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