Homemade pizza
Day at home today. Saw ex-wife in morning for coffee - after an hour rushing round trying to tidy up after basically a week of not being here (but daughters dropping by and increasing the effectiveness of the slum / druggy squat impression), and three weeks of being too busy to clean and tidy... She is struggling, was sad to hear. She made me cry a bit by saying what a good Dad she feels I was and am... funny how it's hard to take authentic compliments when my recent experience largely consists of important people in my life (manager, V, daughter) making it clear I am quite inadequate in their eyes - a message I am all too ready to soak up... [notwithstanding that I have also spent time with people who have made me feel accepted, loved and respected]. Rest of the day Naomi and / or Bex have been here... with me ferrying them around between times. Just Physics to go now, then freedom... Both were good as gold today - Bex especially helping tidy up etc. (think their major row with Mum has cleared the air and made them reflect a bit). But inevitably not got as much exam board work done as I really needed to... full days tomorrow, Friday and Sunday...
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