A time for everything

By turnx3

Lower Falls, Old Man's Cave

The morning was spent doing a bit of grocery shopping, and preparing for our weekend away. Roger came home at lunch time, and after a bite to eat and packing the car, we headed off to Hocking Hills, in southeastern Ohio, a little over two hours drive away. Hocking Hills is a deeply dissected area of the Allegheny Plateau in Ohio, primarily in Hocking County, that features cliffs, gorges, rock shelters and waterfalls. The relatively extreme topography in this area is due to the Blackhand Sandstone, a particular formation that is thick, hard and weather-resistant, and so forms high cliffs and narrow, deep gorges. We had rented a small cabin in the woods, quite near to Old Man's cave, so after unpacking, we went for a walk in the gorge around Old Mans cave. Unfortunately I wasn't feeling too great by this time due to allergy problems which had been bothering me all day, and I wasn't feeling terribly energetic, so we didn't make it too long a walk, but it was quite beautiful with the evening light coming through the trees. Jen and Roger kindly fixed dinner for us, while I had a lie down, then afterwards we enjoyed the hot tub for a bit before bed!

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