Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

On the 27th March 2017

I parked my car at the far carpark from Bray Head. I never park there as I prefer to be near the bandstand for easy access to the beach.

I turned to walk towards Bray Head but took a quick glance over towards the little cove near the rocks there.  I spotted in the distance what appeared to be a black bin bag discarded on the beach.  I had a good walk but as I turned back to go to the car, I saw that the emergency services were in the carpark including police car, ambulance and funeral hearse.  Several men were lifting the body of a man who had been washed up onto the little cove. They walked back towards the carpark with the body on a stretcher. I felt very upset.

The body remained unidentified for at least 3 weeks. He carried no ID only a Spike Milligan book in his pocket.  There were notices in all the papers but finally after DNA testing his family were found.

This has bothered me a bit even after 3 months.

So I picked a scented rose from my garden early this morning, dressed my self from head to toe in the colours of the sea and went to the cove. My pic is of the rose laid where he had been with Bray beach and Head in the background.

It is a beautiful morning here in North Wicklow - I hope its as nice where you all are as where I am.

This song is The Gallant Hero sung in Irish by the UCD Scholars Choir

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