
This morning I had to go to the docs for a routine blood test.Here I saw Denise who is the resident Phlebotomist. She is a lovely woman with a cracking sense of humour & we always have a laugh. Today I told her that I wanted to put the needle in as I was trained to do it over 45 years ago .
She was slightly shocked but agreed. That done we chatted for a few minutes before I asked if I could do a portrait of her she is in smiley mode...the extra shows her in naughty mode !


Its a fine morning with the promise of even hotter temperatures later.

Oh yes & I'm due at Slimming World later & I'm hoping for a good loss this week - I'll let you know tomorrow.

Saying a few prayers today for the dead & missing people involved in the London Tower block fire ....such a sad waste of life

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