Tea with added Krust

By KrusTea

A crafter's chair

All* of life's essentials are here. There is the work in progress, extra wool in the wee bag Mags gave me a couple of Christmases ago. Down the side of the seat is an unopened cross stitch kit. There's scissors, needles, needle threader, boxes which hold essential bits, extra bits and some spare bits in case I run out Shoes, just in case I have to go out into the real world. Tissues and a bin in case I do my usual coughing. Bottled water to keep hydrated, and crisps** in case a sudden starvation comes over me.

In fact, aside from a cuppa, what more could a crafter ask for?

* most - there isn't a cup of tea!
** crisps don't usually sit there and have been banned now since they tried to choke me later this evening.

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