When It Rains - It Pours
I managed to avoid the torrents that hit a couple of time today.
Squirrel didn't!
Apparently she was out on the school playing field when the first one hit.
She was soaked through by the time they could run back to the building (about 100 yards).
SWMBO has missed it all by sleeping all day again.
I was right about that damned cat yesterday.
Squirrel and I arrived back at the house to go and get The Cygnet and the cat came trotting out of my garden with a young blackbird in its jaws.
The bird was making one hell of a racket but the cat was quicker on its feet than me when I went to try and rescue the poor bird.
The 4 kids that have just been crushed into the rear seat of a car outside my house (after football practice) have probably got as much chance as the blackbird if the idiot parent has to brake hard!
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