
By cowgirl


That's Drive Day, my favourite part of a Moggy weekend. Despite the wet, windy, miserable weather, we set off in a little convoy.

We were heading to a town with a brewery that did tours, but they don't do them on Saturdays! So we just looked for somewhere that could feed 15 walk-ins and we're lucky enough to find a pub willing to take us on!

The Moggy I was passenger in ran out of petrol on the way home ... Oh, THAT old chestnut! ;-) No, seriously, we really did! One of the other cars did pull over to make sure we were ok, as we pulled into a lay by to add some petrol from a can in the boot. They followed us to a petrol station, but then drove off, leaving us to find our way back to be Aviation Museum. Luckily my driver had a good sense of direction. The best of it was, no-one ( i.e. Sav ) phoned to see how we were!

In the evening one of the Moggy men who sings around pubs and clubs at weekends, did a turn for us, and was joined by my driver from earlier on a number ( Mustang Sally ).

The weather may have been wet and windy, but the company was warm and cheerful.

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