Looking back

A shot from our relatively new burial ground, completed in 2012, looking down the ground toward the Cotswold Escarpment. I must say that it is a matter of great joy and pride that we managed to create this awesome place at such small financial outlay. 

The burial ground was the reason I became a parish councillor in the first place, and it will probably be where I end up, sooner or later. Hopefully later. I spent the day checking out stuff that needs doing, and preparing my spell for tomorrow's planning site visit. Mundane stuff, you might say, but it keeps me occupied... :-)

To the left is about half an acre of what is turning into quite reasonable wildflower area. We don't need the space for interments for ages yet, so why not give the bees a chance eh? So we have. 

Wildflowers and grasses are beginning to usurp the tangle of nettles and creeping thistle that was there in the beginning, and today I noted the presence of hedgehog, fox and deer, as well as many insects and birds. It's a lovely place to come visit the ancestors or our village.

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