
This is Melody in a lidl trolley (other supermarkets are available) holding wine - leaning on beer - I only went in for BBQ sauce to marinade some ribs!
Today we collected mystery parcel (apparently I am a valued loyal customer of Yorkshire tea gold and they sent me 80 free bags and a tea caddy! Bizarre but I love a freebie, even if it's from a corporation trying to buy my loyalty!) I have no brand loyalty I will buy a different brand if on offer! Sorry Yorkshire tea but keep up the freebies)
Then to the mum to mum sale - bought a few bits - unfortunately she has way more than she needs clothes wise already so i keep buying bigger sizes - today I loved a dress but aged 4/5 - bought it anyway.. Dunno if mad or helpful in future! home for home made liver pate.. Mike liked it melody not so much..
Then mike to footy with Sara and I went to town with Melody - bought 6 x bday prezzies! Nightmare!
Then home for dinner - tortilini - melody ate loads! Can't believe her newfound appetite (for things she likes) long may it last.. But I'm sure another sparrow phase on the cards!

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