Little Espresso Cups from Prague

Here it is, 9:30 at night, and I haven't taken any photos. So... I looked around the kitchen and spied a few of the little tin cups I bought when we were in Prague in 2015. It was Arvin's last European trip and we spent the last week of it in Prague with our friends Ian and Jerien. Nice memories.

I had a very nice day today. Spent an hour with my lovely therapist and we both agreed that I am so much more rested and full of peace than I have been for as long as I've been going to see her. Yes I am sad for the loss of Arvin. But more, I am deeply appreciative of what an amazing man he was and I have so much love and respect for his choice to end the last stage of Alzheimer's as quickly as he did. He was such a fantastic man, loving, gentle, caring, helping and unselfish. I think he handled his disease impeccably. He kept his inner essence during the whole journey and he stayed true to himself right to the end. And I am so thankful to him that he did.

In the afternoon I went to my friend Pat's house for a lunch gathering to visit with our artist friend Valerie who lives in Seattle. She is becoming an artist of growing renown and mastery and it was great to see her and her friend Dorothy who came up from Seattle with her. We all talked quite a bit about the process of making art. And it was good and fun to be together. I am so pleased Pat set this all up for us all. And provided a very yummy lunch as well.

Steve came over for dinner and we played a couple of Carcassonne games. It is great to have a sibling who happens to be a good friend as well.

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