Encaustic wax sketch...

...I can see all kinds in this...and it is reflective of my day.

Hospital early, an hour wait in a noisy discordant waiting room (with a stupid radio on that brain could make no sense of except as discordant noise) before hand got rebandaged. This nurse seems to think a good few more visits, it was a bit red, but she says it is healing okay.

Brain was spooked today with a new sharp indistinguishable noise. It couldn't work out was the noise was, and something about the noise was disorienting, like segments of one noise but they were flung into wrong places is only way I can describe it. I have come up with several strategies to help Brain cope in these instances with this drastically changed remapping of the cochlear processor, when

But none of my strategies worked today, and it impacted severely on my lip reading skills.

Was absolutely shattered when I got back home. Zonked out for a few hours in deep sleep. Woke up okay and put processor back in and went and sat on swing for a bit of reflection. But then next door had her gardener in and he is extraordinarily interested in the noisiest high powered tools and equipment ever...

There seriously cannot be anything left in my neighbour's garden. This 'gardening' guy comes weekly.

Brain immediately went on strike. No way could I listen either to that lawn mowing machinery. I couldn't listen to my iPad or anything.

I have also used one of those lawn mowing things that you sit on when I used to stay on my cousin's farm. I have done lawns, a massive apple orchard, and also the banks of the river in less time than the nitwit gardener the lady next door employs to do a postage stamp of grass in the front and a bedsheet sized back lawn....aaaaagggghhh.

I had to take the processor off in the end. That machinery next door was jarring every nerve in my body. Brain and I couldn't make sense of much that we heard today.

Researched plasticity of the human brain, and neuroscience in the end. Read some research papers. I couldn't relax by now, I had to do something.

From the moment Brain was spooked by the noise this morning I had the feeling white cat Suki was wrapped round me with her thick fur. And when I got back home I could "see" her asleep in all her usual places. A very strong presence.

Thank you for your kind words. I will respond to comments, and look through your blogs tomorrow probably. Am still on edge.

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