Growing Wild

I decided to take my macro lens out today and I'm always so surprised when I download my pictures and see the detail! Even the most common wild flowers along my walking trail have such intricate beauty.
I spent another fun night with Steph last night and we were treated to great sleeping from the boys. Watson made it to 5:00 this morning and Gus slept until 8!
Grateful today for...a delicious sweet potato recipe Steph made for lunch. She's on a "Whole 30" diet and makes some really delicious and nutritious recipes. Whole 30 lasts 30 days and cuts out all dairy, grains, sugar and anything not natural. Basically a really healthy natural diet! You aren't supposed to stay on it too long because you need some of the food groups forbidden. It's basically cleansing your body and then reintroducing foods little by little to see what your body feels good with.

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