A New Day

By ANewDay

Mountains Everywhere


The day started bright and sunny so we headed north to visit Ullapool, enjoying the many mountains on the way and trying hard to identify them from the maps we had.  The main photo is Beinn Ghobhlach (the flat topped mountain that I can't pronounce either!) with Little Loch Broom in front.  

In Extras is An Teallach, one of the most impressive mountains in the Highlands and one which looks different from every angle!  

There's also a shot of another Blipper spotted in Aultbea, who must get some amazing pictures:-)

Ullapool was heaving with people as always, but the harbour looked very peaceful.  So many camper vans on the single track roads - mostly German or Belgian and we also saw a convoy of 7 Lamborghinis, presumably doing the NC 500 (North Coast 500), the Scottish equivalent of Route 66:-)  My daughter and I did this route (and more!) over 20 years ago and then my husband and I did it again a few years later - long before it was trendy!!

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