We need coffee

Mum called when I was not long up to say her heart rhythm was playing up again - up to 160 bpm. She was going to call an ambulance and would let me know if they wanted to take her in.  This has happened a few times over the last two years.  They did want to take her in for some tests so I made my way to A&E too. Mum was settled and hooked up to ECG etc when I arrived.  The doctors and nurses were marvellous - quick blood tests, a chest-xray, another ECG and a good talk with the doctor and I was able to take mum home before lunchtime.   Mum was desperate for a coffee (as was I!) but the doctor wanted her to wait so as not to raise her heart rate.  

I called tonight and all is settled so long may it stay that way Mum xx

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