pyjama gardening

Anniemay is a fidget.  She cannot sit still for more than 5 minutes.  

This morning we had breakfast in the garden (very ‘continental’).  My coffee was still luke warm when she was up and into the tool shed, having spotted a couple of things either in the wrong place or growing in a fashion likely to annoy her sense of neatness.

She lopped and pruned and raked and then being in too much of a hurry to get a ladder for an irritating branch just out of reach, she made do with a plant container.

She wonders if ‘pyjama gardening’ might catch on.  I doubt it.  Certainly not with me it won’t.

ps. update 2.03pm.  A Spitfire flies overhead.  Anniemay hears it first.  The sound still excites.

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