
By cowgirl

Catching up in the garden

Actually, I began that yesterday, but had another go at it today. I began early, before it got too hot, weeding and planting out seedlings. I have too many plants, so called a friend to see when she could visit and take some. She happened to be nearby, so said she could be there is 3 minutes and 36 seconds!

Sav had just arrived home after his night shift, so we all had some toast and coffee. Sav left us chatting in the garden for a bit, then we sorted out some plants and off she went to plant them in her garden.

I needed more compost, so we did a quick run to the local Aldi for some - it was packed out! I thought the sun enticed people to go out, not go to a supermarket! We got round as quickly as possible, picking up some veg for tomorrow's dinner as well as the compost.

I did a bit more faffing in the garden, but it was getting so hot I decided to go in for a sit down and a glass of water. Then I noticed it was 1.15pm - 30 minutes before we were due to meet Sav's parents for a pub lunch!

We arrived 15 mins late!

Anyway, we had a lovely dinner, celebrating Father's Day and Sav's stepmum's birthday ( last weekend but we were away in Scotland ).

After that, Sav tootled off on a motorbike ride, and I have been catching up on blipping. I've added a few garden shots from various angles as extras.

Now to catch up on commenting ...

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