Summer Reading Challenge

Saturday at last.  The boys got up early, but I lay snoozing in bed, until I was rudely awakend by TT cutting the grass.  I hope the neighbours weren’t hoping for a long lie this morning, because they won’t have got one.  BB had football at 9am, so they went off to that, while I considered a run.  I eventually hauled myself out and struggled in the heat and the wind. The boys retuned with a load of bargain plants that TT had picked up and with a newly shorn BB.  I am sure he could have run even faster yesterday if he hadn’t had such a mop of hair holding him back!

I then had a laundry extravaganza, while TT (and I) did some gardening. 

We went into town in the afternoon to pick up a few bits and pieces, including new trainers for BB and stuff for a bbq tea.  After tea, BB and I went on a Pokémon hunt – well he did, I just went out for the walk!

Having signed up for the summer reading challenge yesterday, I challenged BB to get reading today.  He found a comfortable spot on the trampoline, out of the sun and got stuck into his new library book.


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