Occasional Musings

By cookingisgood

The Toast Marketing Board...

...Sponsors of Spec Ops 27, the Literary Detectives Division...

...and apparently running a pantomime promotion for Mr Kipling too!!

No idea why I was reading the small print on a pack of mince pies, but I chuckled mightily on discovering that point 9 stated: "A list of the lucky winners is obtainable by sending an SAE... c/o Toast Marketing, Woodcock House..."

Didn't expect Fforde's fiction to mirror real life quite so closely :) I'll be looking out for a Goliath trademark over the coming weeks!!

I've underlined it in the blip, but realise that there's no way you'll be able to read it on the screen.

(I'm a bit of a Jasper Fforde fan, love the surreal humour of the alternative 1980's UK he's created and the fantasy creation of the literature world which runs alongside and can be accessed by stepping through "a good book". If any of you blippers are Terry Pratchett fans, but haven't yet found Thursday Next in "The Eyre Affair", it gets a 5* rating from me and I think you'd love it)

Grey day. Taking a 20% salary cut for Jan and plenty of uncertainty out there for February-April. Joy!!!

edit: a backblip here but nothing too exciting!

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