Aud stuff


Misty mornng swim

I almost wimped out of this morning's swim at Loch Lomond. When I arrived, Ricco had already entered the water and did a bit of posing for the camera. He headed off to Duck Bay and I joined Mel and Alan for a swim to Cameron House by the unusual route of witch's hat then hugging the shoreline in both directions.

The water was noticeably colder and my feet were sore with the cold for the first couple of minutes. However, once we started and got a bit further out the temperature improved and we could have stayed in for a good bit longer than the hour we managed. For a while it looked like the sun was coming out, but that didn't last. We had a lovely stretch on the way back when the mist came down almost hiding the Maid of the Loch and rain fell on the now calm water.

Absolutely loved this morning's swim; I'm so glad I dragged myself out of bed. I guess the swims will become less frequent and shorter as we head into autumn, but we will keep going as long as we can.

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