Feeling hot hot hot

Considering the temperatures in their room we all slept reasonably well

I left early as needed to drop Ethel at the garage for a service and mot.
Temp was 20 degrees
Locked the car, posted the key through the letter box of the garage and then realised I had locked my phone in the car
Luckily it was soon rectified as one of the mechanics has children at our school

Spent the day at Malvern priory doing a pilgrimage day called life path.
Was great fun and very cool.
I even got to do bell ringing which I have always wanted to do.

Back to school, rounders club
Collected car
Wom was almost asleep at the table
He was asleep by after 5 minutes
Temp was up to 30 taken at pretty much same spot

Woms asleep
Munchie almost there
My biggest worry
Pimms of shandy?

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