Mono Monday - A Silly Mistake.
Usual Monday - Went to Over 50's Fitness Class - only 5 of us there. The hot weather may have had something to do with that. Then shopping in Tesco. Back home to get on with the ironing. Its not the weather for ironing but it needed doing. The Slimming World this evening. Not many stayed to group. I put on half a pound which is fine.
Here is Dollykgray's challenge for Mono Monday .......... " I would like to hear a story about about a silly mistake/story and somehow illustrated by your MM photo"
So I had a think about silly things I have done. Too many to mention. But when I got this enamel pie dish out of the cupboard today I was reminded of something silly which happened in around 1980.
On the Sunday me and my husband Douglas had a roast beef dinner with Yorkshire puddings. I made double the quantity of Yorkshire pudding batter and put half of it in the fridge in a " Tupperware". So on Monday when Douglas and I got in from work I started making Toad in the Hole. Browned the sausages, put them in the dish and got the batter from the fridge. Poured it round the sausages and put the dish in the oven. Checked on it a bit later. Something was wrong. The batter was exactly the same as when I put it in - not risen even a tiny bit. Took the tin out of the oven to investigate. As I took it out I realised my silly mistake. There were two Tupperwares in the fridge - one had the batter in and one contained Tip Top Evaporated Milk. And I had tried to make Toad in the Hole with the evaporated milk. Quickly sorted things out and put the dish back in the oven. So tea was a bit later than planned that evening. I never let on to Douglas about my silly mistake.
The dish in the photo is the same dish. And the sausages?....... well I didn't have any sausages today. So I printed out some sausage images from the internet. Did you guess? (Maybe this counts as another silly thing ?)
Steps today - 12,614
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